[Thursday at Dawn, January 30, 2014] Israeli soldiers invaded several Palestinian communities in different parts of the occupied West Bank, searched them, and kidnapped five Palestinians near the northern West Bank city of Jenin, and one near Hebron, in southern West Bank.Dozens of soldiers invaded Jaba’ town, south of Jenin, ransacking several homes after breaking into them, and kidnapping five Palestinians.

The five kidnapped Palestinians have been identified as Mahran Rami Fashafsha, 20, Kamal Nasser Alawna, 21, Rami Fadel Alawna, 27, Tareq Mahmoud Alawna, 23, and Waheeb Nasser Mohammad Alawna, 24.

Eyewitnesses said that the soldiers caused excessive damage to several homes after violently searching them and forcing the Palestinians out.

In related news, dozens of soldiers invaded Halhoul town, north of Hebron, and kidnapped one Palestinian near the Ibrahimi Mosque, in Hebron city.

Local sources said that the soldiers took resident Samer Mahmoud Za’amra, 23, from Halhoul town, nearby, to an unknown destination.

Furthermore, dozens of soldiers were extensively deployed in Doura and Thaheriyya towns, near Hebron, stopping and searching several Palestinians, and interrogating them.

Soldiers also installed roadblocks on different roads, especially around towns and villages south of the Hebron district, and roads leading to the heart of the city.

In related news, dozens of Israeli soldiers and settlers invaded the northern West bank city of Nablus, and headed towards the area of Joseph’s Tomb, east of the Balata refugee camp, the Palestine News & Info Agency (WAFA) has reported.

WAFA said more than nine Israeli buses, and several military jeeps, advanced into the area, while the Israelis went to pray at the tomb site. Several settlers and soldiers harassed Palestinians in the area, leading to clashes, WAFA added.

Local youth hurled stones and empty bottles at the army, while the soldiers fired rounds of live ammunition, gas bombs, concussion grenades and flares.

Medical sources said that Zainab Ali Al-Moghraby, 65, and Adnan Khaldoun Al-‘Omary, 13, were attacked and wounded by army fire during clashes between the soldiers and local youth.