The Israeli Civil Administration informed residents of Hares, a Palestinian village in the Salfit governorate oin the central West Bank, of its intentions to confiscate 100 dunams (25 acres) of private land within village perimeters.

In an offical statement, the municipal council of Hares said that it received, from the Israeli army’s civil administration, a new urban plan for the village that illustrates Israel’s intention to seize 100 dunams of land to the northwest of the village and near the Revava settlement, AIC reports. The statement urged landowners in the village to prepare ownership documents for a lawyer who will file objections against the Israeli decision.

Established in 1991, ‘Revava’ settlement is an orthodox Jewish community populated by an estimated 250 families. Hares has been directly affected by construction of the state-ordained annexation wall in the West Bank, and those settlements which surround Ariel and the Barkan Industrial Zone.