The Palestinian Authority has set new conditions for agreeing to extend the peace talks with Israel after April, PA officials in Ramallah said Thursday.The Jerusalem Post reported that two of the new conditions include Israeli recognition of the pre-1967 lines as the future borders of a Palestinian state, with east Jerusalem as its capital, and the release of 1,200 more Palestinian prisoners, the officials said.

The PA is now demanding that Israel release three senior Prisoners: Marwan Barghouti, Ahmed Sa’adat and Fuad Shobaki, the Palestinian News Netwrok has reported.

The conditions also include a complete cessation of settlement construction, the imposition of PA sovereignty over Area C in the West Bank, a halt to Israeli military operations in PA-controlled territories, and ‘reunion’ permits for some 15,000 Palestinians.

Other conditions include reopening the Gaza border crossings, lifting the blockade on the Gaza Strip, and permitting the return of the Palestinians who were deported to the Gaza Strip and Europe after they sought shelter from occupation forces in the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem in 2002.

The conditions were announced during a meeting of Fatah leaders with chief PLO negotiator Saeb Erekat in Ramallah.