Over 15 Palestinians sustained injuries during clashes in Issawiya, East Jerusalem, according to medical sources.Medics told Ma’an News Agency that 11 people were injured by rubber-coated steel bullets, while another four suffered moderate injures, including two people who were shot in the head.

During the clashes, Israeli forces detained Tamar Obeid, aged 17.

Tear gas canisters and stun grenades were fired at the entrance to the neighborhood after local residents organized a demonstration in protest of the deaths of two Palestinian youth, during a Nakba Day rally on Thursday.

According to a local community center in Silwan, undercover Israeli forces detained Said Abu Nab, aged 10, and two teenagers named Muhammad and Fayez al-Abbasi. No further details were provided.

Clashes were also reported in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Anata, Ma’an reports, with no reports of injuries.

In addition, forces also intensified their presence in north and in central Hebron, according to WAFA.