Government spokesperson Ihab Bseiso has stated that the Qatari government is to transfer a sum of $20 million, over a three month period, in helping to pay salaries to 40,000 former Gaza government employees. European officials recently recapitualted their committment to the new Palestinian government and concern over hunger-striking detainees.
‘The government will single out a special fund for the Gaza civil servants in conjunction with the work of the administrative legal committee, which would contribute to solving the salary crisis,’ he said, according to Al Ray.

He said that the respective legal committee, established by the new consensus government, will work on the foundation of fairness, equality, and partnership between Palestinians, that it will make the best use of available potentials and in a way which addresses the state employees’ problem.

Bseiso also expressed appreciation for Arab and international efforts in helping the new government end the effects of Palestinian division and achieing Palestinian.

In related news, WAFA Palestinian News & Info Agency has reported that British Consul General in Jerusalem, Dr. Alastair McPhail, visited Gaza on Thursday, where he met the four new Palestinian ministers in the new interim government.

In the meeting Dr. McPhail reiterated the UK’s steady support to the people of Gaza, reaffirming that the UK will continue to support the new Palestinian government on condition of non-violence, recognition of Israel and respect for previous agreements.

McPhail: ‘I reiterated to the ministers today our continued support for the Palestinian Authority and solidarity with the people of Gaza. We want to see a prosperous Gaza as an indispensable part of the future Palestinian state. We want to see Gazans living a normal life, as they deserve: a life with no checkpoints, no restrictions on movement and access, where the economy is thriving and the youth have employment opportunities.’

The UK reportedly gives over double the amount as does the US to the state of Israel, each year, in financial aid and weapons.

Additionally, spokesman for EU High Representative Catherine Ashton said in a statement, Friday, ‘We are following with great concern reports about the deteriorating health condition of Palestinian administrative detainees who have been on a hunger strike for several weeks…’ adding: ‘The EU has repeatedly expressed its concern about the extensive use by Israel of administrative detention.’

‘The EU calls for the full respect of international human rights obligations towards all Palestinian detainees and prisoners,’ he said.