Two Palestinian women have been injured as a result of an Israeli warplane attack, last night. Several locations in the Gaza Strip were targeted.One of the injured is a 15-year-old girl. According to PNN correspondence, doctors have described her medical condition as serious.

Israeli helicopters attacked locations in the cities of Rafah and Khan Younis, where several resistance sites are said to be located.

Israeli media sources state that a rocket was fired, last night, from Gaza into a house in Ashkelon. No injuries were reported, however.

Ynet reports that Israeli military leaders are holding people from Gaza responsible for the recent disappearance of three settlers south of Hebron, last Thursday night.

Israeli PM Benyamin Netanyahu blamed Hamas this morning, confirming that the situation will carry serious consequences for Palestinians, and that the Israeli authorities are now focused on finding the kidnapped settlers, the PNN reports.

In response, Hamas spokesman Sami Abu- Zehri said that Netanyahu’s declaration is stupid and absurd, adding that the Israeli authorities are the ones responsible for the deterioration of the situation in the West Bank for Palestinians and the PA.