The Israeli army said, Sunday, that unidentified gunmen opened fire at a military site near Bethlehem. Rockets were also fired late Sunday, from Gaza, amidst conflicting reports on the exact nature of both incidents.A spokesman told Ma’an News Agency that the bullets were fired near Har Gilo, north of Bethlehem, with initial reports suggesting that the shots came from a passing vehicle.

No injuries or damages have been reported, as Israeli soldiers search the area.

According to Israeli Walla news, shots had been fired at a military checkpoint west of Bethlehem.

In a related context, Ma’an reports that rockets fired from the Gaza Strip, late today, were intercepted by the Iron Dome system, according to the Israeli army:

Israeli Ynet News has reported that two of only four rockets which were launched towards Ashkelon from Gaza, were not intercepted by the Iron Dome and landed in open areas without causing injuries or damages.