[Thursday At Dawn, June 19 2014] Palestinian medical sources have reported that several civilians were injured, and excessive property damage was reported, as the Israeli Air Force fired missiles into several areas in different parts of the Gaza Strip.The first Israeli strike targeted Tunis School, in the Zeitoun neighborhood southeast of Gaza City, causing excessive property damage buildings, nearby homes, and vehicles.

The soldiers also fired missiles into the Abu Jarad security site, near the former Netzarim settlement, causing excessive damage to the site, and a number of nearby homes.

The Israeli Air Force also fired at least two missiles at the al-Maqousi residential towers, causing damage to a number of homes, and several injuries.

F16 Israeli fighter jets also fired missiles into the Nusseirat refugee camp, in central Gaza, especially near the Power Plant, destroying the plant and causing damage to several nearby homes.

In addition, missiles were fired into an area close to the Sheikh Zayed Towers, in Beit Lahia, in the northern part of the Gaza Strip; one Palestinian suffered a moderate injury, and was moved to the Kamal Adwan Hospital.

The al-Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas, stated that the army bombarded a number of its sites, in different parts of the Gaza Strip.

It added that the Israeli Air Force also fired a missile at one of its sites, east of Gaza city, but the missiles did not explode.

The Israeli army said Palestinian fighters fired at least two shells from Gaza into the Western Negev, causing damage to one home, but no injuries.