Official Envoy of the Quartet to the Middle East, former British PM Tony Blair, has called on Israel to stop their military operations in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, and to end their attacks the Palestinian people.
Blair stressed that Israeli authorities should stop restricting the freedom of movement within the West Bank, the killing civilians and mass incarcerations.

According to the PNN, during a meeting with the Israeli PM Netanyahu, Blair criticized the ‘kidnapping’ of the three Israelis in the West Bank nearly two weeks ago, and asked the kidnappers to release them immediately.

Evidence to suggest a kidnapping at all has yet to surface, let alone evidence which links the alleged abduction to the Hamas party, which serves as Israel’s official pretext for the current string of brutal raids on the Palestinian people and their property.

The UK reportedly gives over double the US tally, in foreign aid and weapons, to the state of Israel each year.

Head of the UN Department of Political Affairs, Jeffrey D. Feltman, has also called on Israel to stop their attacks in the internationally recognized Palestinian Territory, occupied by Israel since 1967, and to discontinue its collective punishment against Palestinians.

Routine raids, abductions, land seizures and killings without justification have been a part of daily life for Palestinians since the Israeli state was first established in 1948.

Feltman declared to the Security Council: “We are worried about the arresting of around 350 Palestinians and the 4 deaths, including that of a minor the 20th of June. Also about the high number of injuries, which continues increasing because of the Israeli military operation.”

He also asked the Council to set up a meeting in order to discuss the situation in the Middle East, the PNN further reports.