On Tuesday, Israeli army bulldozers razed a privately owned Palestinian ranch in the village of Hassaka, north of Hebron, according to local sources.
Coordinator of the anti-settlement committee Rateb Jabour told WAFA Palestinian News & Info Agency that the bulldozers razed a 30-dunam area of land (just over 7 acres) which was partially covered with greenhouses and planted with vegetables.

The land belongs to several residents of the village, collectively.

In the Bethlehem district, Israelis also destroyed privately owned Palestinian farmland, the head of the Nahhalin village council, Ibrahim Shakarneh, told WAFA news.

He stated that settlers from the nearby illegal settlement of Beitar Illit, protected by Israeli soldiers, chopped down grapevines and olive trees there.

The army additionally prohibited land owners from accessing the area, sealing it off as the settlers chopped down the trees.

Destruction of Palestinian property and dispacement of residents — even those holding Israeli citizenship — is a familiar theme for human rights organizations, as UNRWA records have recently indicated that the number of registered Palestinian refugees, as of January 2014, amount to approximately 5.4 million.

Palestinians are the largest refugee group in the world, with no lasting solutions coming from the powers responsible for the crisis.

Israel and their allies remain, for all means and purposes unaccountable for the atrocity since the state was established in 1948, with the occasional token verbal protest surfacing from international offices.

WAFA further reports that Amnesty International has called upon the Israeli parliament to intervene on behalf of unrecognized Arab villages in Naqab province, as land seizures there escalate and dozens of families are left homeless by the incompetence of the Israeli state to protect its citizens equally, without ethnic or religious bias.

In an official letter, the organization called on the Knesset to put an end to the continuous evacuation of the Bedouin Arab residents of Naqab and the demolition of their homes, marking, as it were, one year since the approval of a bill to relocate Bedouins in the Naqab (Negev) desert.

The bill was approved on first reading.