Palestinian medical sources have reported that 14 Palestinians have been shot and wounded by Israeli army fire in different villages and towns, in the central West Bank district of Ramallah, throughout the night until the early dawn hours.Local sources in the al-Jania village, west of Ramallah, stated that nine Palestinians have been shot by live rounds, fired by invading Israeli soldiers.

Invading soldiers also fired dozens of gas bombs, rubber-coated metal bullets and concussion grenades, while several local youth hurled stones, empty bottles and Molotov cocktails at them.

Dozens of Palestinians were treated for the effects of teargas inhalation.

Undercover soldiers also attempted to ambush the youths, but were soon exposed.

The residents said scores of Palestinians have been hurt by army fire, while ambulances could not even enter the village as the army besieged it, and declared it a closed military zone.

The village is subject not only to frequent invasions by Israeli soldiers, but also to ongoing assaults carried out by armed fanatic Israeli settlers.

Clashes also took place in Deir Mashal village, northwest of Ramallah, after dozens of soldiers invaded it, firing rounds of live ammunition in addition to gas bombs, concussion grenades, firebombs and rubber-coated metal bullets.

A number of Palestinians threw a tank of propane gas at one of the invading Israeli vehicles.

Two Palestinians have also been wounded, by rubber-coated metal bullets, in the al-Biereh nearby town, and the army also kidnapped at least four others.

Clashes also took place near the Psagot illegal Israeli settlement, in the area.

Three Palestinians have been injured in Ni’lin village, during clashes with Israeli soldiers invading it through its eastern side, close to a bypass road used by Israeli settlers illegally living in the area, as well as the soldiers.

The soldiers tried to invade the village, but were met with fierce resistance from hundreds of local youth, who hurled stones, bottles and Molotov cocktails at them.