A Palestinian delegation which includes both PA members and Hamas representatives agreed, on Sunday, to present joint demands to Egyptian mediators, in Cairo, for a truce deal with Israel.Ma’an reports that the delegation was to meet with the Egyptian mediators, later on Sunday.

Cairo will relay the demands to Israel, who scoffed at the idea of sending negotiators while continuing to insist that Hamas breached a recently failed 72-hour truce, just moments after it began on Friday.

See: Timeline Does Not Fit the Claim that Hamas Broke Friday’s Ceasefire

Palestinian factions met earlier on Sunday to agree upon a joint position which includes ‘a ceasefire; Israeli troop withdrawal from Gaza; the end of the siege of Gaza and opening its border crossings,’ according to delegation member Maher al-Taher.

Demands also include fishing rights for up to 12 nautical miles off Gaza’s coast and the release of Palestinian prisoners, said Taher, who is a senior official with the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

A Hamas official confirmed the agreement, saying: ‘These are the main points, but they must be discussed with the Egyptians. We hope things go smoothly.’