Irish senator and former presidential candidate David Norris made a powerful speech on 31 July condemning Israel’s massacre in Gaza and the complicity of American, Irish and other European governments.

Ali Abunimah | The Elctronic Intifada | 08/06/2014

Norris called for the expulsion of the Israeli ambassador. The eight-minute speech can be seen in the video linked below.

Meanwhile, UK Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg has given public backing to an arms embargo on Israel.

Excerpt from the official transcript of Norris’ speech:

‘In the 40 years that I have known the State of Israel and sometimes had a home there, I have seen it completely change. It changed from a left-wing, socially directed country to an extreme right-wing regime that is behaving in the most criminal fashion, defying the world and unscrupulously using the Holocaust to justify what they are doing. It is time that rag was torn away from them.’

View the full article, with video, at the Electronic Intifada.

See also: Irish Artists Pledge to Boycott Israel

08/06/14 International Solidarity Grows as Israeli Crimes Against Gaza Take Root in Collective Consciousness