Israeli soldiers assaulted a young Palestinian, on Tuesday, in an area east of Yatta, south of the Hebron District, upon which they seized his tractor.Rateb Jubour, Coordinator of the Anti-settlement Committee in Hebron, said the soldiers violentyl beat one Mohammad Shaabin, 21 years of age, before seizing his tractor and an attached water tanker.

Mohammad sustained bruises throughout his body and was taken to a hospital for treatment.

Israeli soldiers and colonial settlers alike routinely attack Palestinian farm workers in the occupied territories, damaging their equipment and lands in the attempt to further islolate Palestinian communities, with the aim of expanding nearby settlements and further disenfranchising the Palestinian people as a whole.

More than 550,000 Israelis live in illegal settlements througout the region, which has been illegitmately occupied by the Israeli military since 1967, in direct violation of the international laws to which they are signatory.

See also Corporate Watch Exposé — 07/07/14 ‘Farming Under Siege: Working the Land in Gaza’