Israeli soldiers shot and injured a Palestinian man near Karm Abu-Salem (Kerem Shalom) border crossing, on the Gaza-Israel border, Sunday, according to WAFA correspondence.Forces stationed at the border checkpoint opened fire at the young man, injuring him, claiming that he attempted to infiltrate the site.

Israeli soldiers on Friday shot and injured two young Palestinian men inside their Silwad home, east of Ramallah, say Ma’an eyewtiness sources.

One of the two men was shot several times in his foot, while the other was hit by shrapnel from the gunfire.

The victims were identified only as members of the al-Nahl family, according to Ma’an. The house was stormed by Israeli soldiers during the course of a raid on the entire village.

The shooting occurred following fierce clashes which ensued between soldiers and local youth protesting against the Israeli occupation and in solidarity with the victims of the Gaza Strip.

Numerous bystanders and local residents in side their homes, including elderly and children suffered the effects of tear gas, which locals say Israeli soldiers used excessively and indiscriminately, in addition to the usual firing of concussion grenades and rubber-coated metal bullets.

The Israeli navy continues to breach the soon-to-expire temporary ceasefire by shooting at Palestinian fishing boats off the coasts of the Strip, while violent clashes between Israeli forces and angry Palestinians are ongoing in the West Bank, occupied East Jerusalem and the pre-1948 territories.