Israeli soldiers wired and detonated two Palestinian homes in Hebron city, in the southern part of the occupied West Bank, and sealed the home of a third Palestinian with concrete. A Palestinian home was also demolished in occupied East Jerusalem.The homes belong to the families of ‘Amer Abu Aisha and Marwan al-Qawasma, who are actively sought by Israel, and the home of detainee Husam al-Qawasma.

Tel Aviv is claiming the three are believed to be behind the alleged “abduction and killing of three Israeli settlers” last June.

Eyewitnesses said that around 400 Israeli soldiers surrounded the home of Abu Aisha before wiring it and evicting nearby families, and then detonating its second floor.

It is worth mentioning that, in late June, the soldiers detonated a section of the home during what the army described as “the search for the missing settlers”.

In addition, soldiers surrounded the home of Marwan al-Qawasma, and brought cement-mixer trucks, before using the cement to blockade the home’s doors and windows, and installed barbed wires around it.

The soldiers also detained the father, and one of the brothers of al-Qawasma, for several hours.

The Hebron Defense Committee said the army demolished the home of al-Qawasma’s brother back on July 1st, adding that the three Palestinians stand accused of involvement in the death of the settlers, but have not been convicted as no ruling has been made by any court yet.

Clashes took place between the soldiers and dozens of local youth, while the army also invaded and ransacked several homes, before using rooftops as military towers.

Several Palestinian families have been treated for the effects of tear gas inhalation, during clashes which took place near the home of Husam al-Qawasma in Abu Kteila area of Hebron.

A Palestinian reporter, identified as Radi Karama, was injured in the leg by a rubber-coated metal bullet fired by the soldiers.

In related news, soldiers invaded the at-Tour neighborhood, in occupied East Jerusalem, and demolished a Palestinian home belonging to resident Tawfiq Ghazzawi. Israel alleges the home was built without a construction permit.

While Israel grants itself the “right” to build and expand its illegitimate settlements in occupied Jerusalem, and several areas in the West Bank, the vast majority of Palestinians in the occupied city are denied construction permits, and are not even granted permits to modify their existing homes.

The demolition of homes is an act of illegal collective punishment. Along with the construction and expansion of settlements, both are acts violate International Law, and the Fourth Geneva Convention to which Israel is a signatory.

See also: Feiglin Leads Settlers in al-Aqsa Raid, Continued Clashes in West Bank