Medical sources in occupied Jerusalem have reported that dozens of residents have been injured, on Monday evening, after Israeli soldiers and police officers attacked the funeral procession of a Palestinian teen who died of a serious injury suffered, after being shot by the soldiers, last week.The slain Palestinian has been identified as Mohammad Sonnoqrot, 16 years of age.

Media sources in occupied Jerusalem said the family and hundreds of Palestinians conducted the funeral prayers at al-Aqsa mosque, before marching towards a graveyard for burial ceremonies.

However, the police and the army attacked the procession, firing gas bombs and rounds of live ammunition, causing dozens of injuries among the Palestinians.

The soldiers also invaded the local graveyard and kidnapped at least ten Palestinians, including a number of children. Some of the kidnapped have been identified as Zaki al-Mahlous, Shaker Nasreddeen, Anis ‘Ayesh and Nidal Sonnoqrot.

The Israeli attacks caused widespread protests and clashes in the area, and in Salah Ed-Deen Street, and several other areas in occupied Jerusalem.

It is worth mentioning that the Israeli Police handed over the family the body of their son on Monday evening, despite promises to release his body earlier. He was instantly transported to Al-Maqasid Hospital in Jerusalem, before being moved to his family home in Wad al-Jouz.

Mohammad suffered a serious injury after being shot by Israeli soldiers in Jerusalem last week.

His father said that the doctors at the Hadassah Israeli Hospital said Mohammad was shot in the head by a rubber-coated metal bullet, and was moved to the Intensive Care Unit before being declared clinically dead two days ago. On Sunday, Sonnoqrot succumbed to his injuries.

The family said it would be filing a lawsuit against the police for shooting their son and causing his death.

Meanwhile, Israeli police spokesperson Luba Samri said the current information they have is that “there were clashes, and that the police used crowd dispersal means,and alleged that the police “did not use rubber-coated metal bullets.’

She claimed that the Palestinian teenager was shot by a “sponge-coated” round in his leg, and apparently fell onto the ground while running away,’ causing a serious injury to the head.

Samri refrained from providing further details due to what she called ‘legal issues,” and said only that the case had been moved to the complaints department of the police in Jerusalem.