Dr. Mousa Abumarzook, a political leader of the Hamas movement, stated that indirect post ceasefire talks between Israel and the resistance in Gaza would resume, under Egyptian mediation in Cairo, before September 24. Abumarzook said that although the exact date of resuming the talks has not been set yet; it will definitely be before the 24th.

The Hamas official said the United Nations, in coordination with Tel Aviv and the Palestinian unity government, would handle the reconstruction of Gaza, and that there will be observers and a schedule for the entry of construction materials.

Abumarzook further said the Hamas movement has no objection or reservations on any mechanism, set by the United Nations, to ensure the entry of the urgently needed construction materials.

Commenting on an anticipated meeting between officials of Fateh and Hamas movement, the official said that he is awaiting a call from the head of the Fateh delegation, Azzam al-Ahmad, in which a time, date and place of the meeting would be determined.

“Hamas has no reservation on holding the meeting in Cairo,’ he said. “Should Cairo made a decision, we will hold the meeting there; otherwise, we will hold it in Gaza.”

He said that he held meetings with UN officials and officials of the Palestinian Authority, in an attempt to speed the reconstruction of Gaza.

As for the issue of the unpaid salaries of more than 40.000 employees of the former government in Gaza, the official said there is no justification for the overdue salaries, and demanded that they receive the same treatment which current unity government employees receive.

“There file will be discussed during the upcoming meeting in Cairo,” he said.