Several Israeli military vehicles carried out, on Friday morning, a limited invasion into al-Qarara town, east of Khan Younis district, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip.Local sources said that a number of vehicles, and four army bulldozers stationed at the Kissufim military base, near the Gaza border fence, advanced around 100 meters into Palestinian agricultural lands.

The army carries out repeated invasions into border areas in the Gaza Strip, bulldozes and uproots farmlands, and in many cases opens fire at random in an attempt to force the farmers and workers to leave their lands, close to the border fence.

The Israeli Navi also continued its violations against the fishermen, and their boats, in Gaza waters, in direct violation of the latest ceasefire agreement, and many earlier ceasefire deals.

Elderly Gaza Fisherman Injured by Live Israeli Fire

26 Post-ceasefire Violations Documented by Canadian-based Think Tank