Tens of Palestinians asphyxiated due to suppression of the Bil’in weekly demonstration against the illegal Israeli occupation and its apartheid wall.The demonstration took place on Friday, September 19, according to the Palestinian News Network (PNN), from the center of the village, where the soldiers fired rubber-coated steel bullets, sound bombs and teargas bombs on demonstrators, near the location of the new segregation wall which is scheduled to be built there.

Additional photos at the PNN.

The participants raised Palestinian flags, calling for solidarity and resistance, andcondemning the Israeli occupation with its land confiscation policies. Protesters also called for the release of prisoners and for all Palestinians to stand against the continued aggression and persecution by illegal Israeli colonizers.

Whereas Israeli soldiers used military jeeps to capture the participants, the PNN further reports that one British participant was arrested.

See the IMEMC’s recent collective reports with the PNN — Mossawa: ‘Worsening Situation for Arab Community in Israel’

Prior Forced Feeding Causes Severe Health Issues for Released Prisoner

See also the PCHR Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the oPt (11- 17 September 2014)