Several students, on Sunday, suffocated from tear gas canisters fired at them by Israeli soldiers in the village of al-Khader, to the west of Bethlehem, according to security sources. Further abductions were reported in the Jerusalem area.WAFA Palestinian News & Info agency reports that, according to the sources, forces fired tear gas canisters toward students while they were on their way home from school, causing several cases of suffocation among them.

Also on sunday, Israeli police kidnapped three Palestinians in the town of al-Ezariya, to the southeast of Jerusalem, as well as served a resident living to the northwest of Ramallah a notice to appear before interrogation, according to reports by witnesses.

By their account, police stormed the village, arrested three youth and led them to an unknown destination, following a raid on their homes.

Meanwhile, Israeli army forces set up two checkpoints at main roads near the northern West Bank area of Jenin, intercepting and interrogating some passengers and causing a traffic jam. However, no arrests were reported.

WAFA further reprots that Israeli forces stormed several villages in the Ramallah district, where they served an interrogation summons to a local resident.

Forces fired tear gas canisters and stun grenades at a number of residents in the village of Surda, to north of Ramallah, causing a fire to erupt in nearby agricultural lands.

Civil defense crews rushed to the scene and were able to put out the fire.

See also: 560 Palestinians Imprisoned by Israel in September