Members of the Palestinian UN General Assembly in New York received rejection status from the US, Britain and Australia, with regard to the recognition of a Palestinian state based on the borders of 1967.The Palestinian delegation met with 15 state members of the United Nations body and, despite the promises of supporting a Palestinian state by China, Russia and Jordan, the remaining 15 states gave no specific answer, according to the PNN.

A Palestinian official said that ‘our main aim is to get a majority of nine… even if, in the end, the US uses veto, it will put the Palestinian position in a much better place for taking other steps, like approaching the General Assembly and international organizations.’

All Security Council draft resolutions must have the agreement of all members in order to be adopted. Furthermore, all of the five permanent members of the body — China, France, Russia, the United States and the United Kingdom — can use the power of veto to reject a substantive resolution.

The US has been pressuring Palestinian officials to delay their resolution proposal for the United Nations, claiming that the main focus should be on the newly publicized ‘ISIS terror threat’ which might affect the mid-term elections in the US.

PNN quotes Palestinian spokesman for the presidency Nabil Abu Rudeineh as saying that a U.S. veto of the resolution in the Security Council would serve neither the Americans nor ‘the war on terror that the United States is leading – because in such a situation the administration will stand against justice and international law, and most countries in the world that have already recognized a Palestinian state in the 1967 borders. The United States will place itself inopposition to the nations of the world, and especially the Arab countries that are cooperating with it in the war on terror.’

See for extensive background info on President Abbas’ resolution proposal.

Abu Rudeinah asserts that the Palestinian position is supported by all of the Arab states and has the understanding of most countries. With note to Europe’s position, Abu Rudeinah stated that all the European countries who voted for Palestine two years ago would support it this year as well, in addition to other countries.

The resolution would be proposed after final consultations with Arab countries and member states, would be presented to them all, including the US.

It isn’t clear when and if the Palestinian resolution might actually be submitted, and it is doubtful that it would be submitted at all unless majority support has been assured.

See also 09/30/14 Netanyahu Flames UNHRC Response to Gaza Massacre