PLO Executive Committee member, Dr. Hanan Ashrawi asserts that “the British government bears the human, legal, political and moral responsibility to undo its serious mistakes of the past by recognizing the State of Palestine, and supporting current and future Palestinian multilateral initiatives of resorting to all venues of international judicial accountability for Israel and the protection for Palestine.”“Ninety-seven years ago, the British government committed a grave historical injustice at the expense of the Palestinians by signing over their homeland to the Jewish people with the Balfour Declaration,” Ashrawi stated, in a recent press release issued by PLO Executive Committee Department of Culture and Information.

According to WAFA, she stressed that ‘decades have passed and the people of Palestine continue to be denied their basic human rights to justice and self-determination.’

‘The people of Palestine can no longer afford to wait, as Israel succeeds with its extreme and escalating policies to Judaize Jerusalem and to ethnically cleanse it of its indigenous Muslim and Christian Palestinian residents, among other violations of international law,’ Dr. Ashrawi added.

“With Israel’s most recent actions of closing Al-Aqsa Mosque and preventing Muslim worshippers from accessing Al-Haram Al-Sharif, Israel is undertaking a supreme and dangerous provocation and inciting sectarian warfare in the region and beyond,” she further stated.

“Palestine is disappearing before our very own eyes; unless Britain, the European Union, the United Nations, and other members of the international community act immediately to hold Israel accountable, Israel will succeed in establishing ‘Greater Israel’ and in destroying the chances for a Palestinian state once and for all,” the release concluded.