According to recent Israeli and UK media releases, US President Barack Obama has threatened to drop the veto at the United Nations Security Council.The United States has a long history of using this power to block anti-Israel measures and has, in response to continued Israeli rejection of US demands regarding the Middle East peace process (and just following an official denunciation of new plans for Israeli settlement expansion),.threatened to lift the ban on the veto.

‘The prime minister told colleagues in recent days …that his office’s understanding of the issue and the government’s take on it is that the Americans will not cast a veto against a resolution that reaches the Security Council,’ diplomatic correspondent for the Makor Rishon daily, Ariel Kahana, reportedly stated to the Algemeiner.

According to Maariv, Netanyahu told Jewish Home party members Naftali Bennett and Uri Ariel, among others in his political circle, that Obama plans to abandon Israel at the United Nations and that this will have many consequences.

‘This step was what Israel feared the moment Obama was re-elected and here it is happening today,’ the PM was said to have declared.