A disabled Jerusalemite woman, Nadya al-Maghribi, aged 55, along with her 22-year-old daughter, Amani, were assaulted by Israeli police, Tuesday, upon which the daughter was taken into custody and, subsequently, the mother, while she was attending the daughter’s Wednesday court hearing..

WAFA correspondence reports that, earlier on Tuesday, around 10 Israeli policemen intercepted Amani and her diabetic mother as they were leaving their house in occupied East Jerusalem’s al-Tur neighborhood (Mount of Olives).

The mother said that one of the officers stuck his foot out and tripped her, causing her to fall to the ground and, when her daughter rushed to help her up, she was severely beaten by police.

The mother reportedly suffers from a partial paralysis in one of her legs, and depends on crutches to help her walk.

Police forces attacked Amani on her head, with the butts of their rifles, while pulling her hair and kicking her in the abdomen with their boots, numerous times, before finally dragging her to their jeep and tearing her clothes.

An attorney with Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association said that 55-year-old Nadia Mughrabi was arrested while she was attending the trial for her daughter, who was herself arrested for allegedly attempting to attack one of the policeman.

Meanwhile, the Palestinian Prisoner’s Club (PPC) said Israeli police arrested Nehal Gawadreh, 30, while she was visiting her husband, Muammar, who is incarcerated at Eshel prison, in Beersheba.

Muammar was released during the Shalit prisoner swap exchange of 2011, but was arrested again last June, following the alleged kidnapping of three settlers who went missing, on June 12, and were later found dead near the spot from which they had originally went missing, near Hebron.

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