Israeli soldiers invaded, Tuesday, Dahiat al-Yasmeen area near the al-Jalazonerefugee camp, north of the central West Bank city of Ramallah, and demolished a blacksmith workshop.Resident Mahdi al-Khatib said military bulldozers demolished his workshop, causing property damage estimated by more than 250.000 New Israeli Shekels.

He added that, two days ago, soldiers and personnel of the Civil Administration Office, run by the army in the occupied West Bank, invaded the area and informed al-Khatib he needs to head to their main office in Beit El settlement on Wednesday December 24, to discuss his property and legal measures.

However, the army did not want to wait for legal procedures, and demolished that property that provides livelihood to several families.

Al-Khatib said he, and many families, asked the soldiers to give them a couple of hours to remove the machines and equipment, but the soldiers refused, and demolished the building.