A 24-year old Palestinian farmer was wounded in the foot by Israeli forces stationed at a watchtower along the Israeli border with Gaza while the farmer was tending his field.The ‘no go zone’ established by the Israeli military next to the border was extended by Israeli troops to further encroach onto Palestinian farmlands and orchards following the Israeli assault on Gaza in summer 2014.

The farmer was not identified, but the injury was confirmed by the spokesman for the Palestinian Ministry of Heath Ashraf al-Qidra, who said that the wounded man was taken to al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City for treatment.

This marks the second wounding of a Palestinian farmer by live Israeli gunfire from the border in 2015. A 25-year old man was shot in both feet by Israeli troops on January 2nd.

Israeli forces have established a policy of shooting live rounds at anyone deemed to have entered the ‘no go zone’, despite the fact that this zone includes numerous Palestinian farms and fields.