UNRWA stated, on Sunday, that US $100 million in aid is urgently needed for families affected by the last Israeli offensive in the region, this past summer.The money is needed in the first quarter of 2015, to allow refugee families with minor damage to repair their homes and to provide ongoing rental subsidies, including to the thousands of families who left UNRWA-run Collective Centres (CCs) and found alternative rental accommodations.

UNRWA explained, according to Al Ray, that thousands of families are waiting, but that it has no money:

‘If we cannot restart the provision of rental subsidies, people, including those who left our collective centers and found alternative accommodation, may be forced to return to those centers.’

UNRWA has received only $135 million in pledges, leaving a shortfall of $585 million.

Due to lack of funds last month, UNRWA recently announced the suspension of its cash assistance programme supporting repairs and providing rental subsidies to Palestine refugee families in Gaza.

According to the agency’s initial assessment, concluded in December, 96,000 Palestine refugee dwellings were damaged or destroyed during last summer’s conflict and more than $720 million USD is required to address this need.

See VIDEO: Gaza City’s Devastated Al-Shuja’eyya Suburb

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