Dozens of extremist Israeli settlers stormed Al Aqsa Mosque yards, early Sunday, via Al Magariba Gate under heavy guard of Israeli police. Local sources reported that about 33 settlers broke into the mosue in groups and roamed its yards, according to Al Ray Palestinian Media Agency.

One of these groups attempted to perform Talmudic prayers to provoke Muslims worshipers, but were prevented from doing so, sources added.

The Palestinian prayers and guards responded to the settlers’ threats with chanting since early morning, as Al Aqsa yards witnessed a heavy presence of Israeli special forces who were focused at the gates, where they checked citizens’ IDs.

A state of tension prevailed at Al Aqsa after the provocative visits of the settlers.

Extremist Israeli settlers and politicians have been violating the sanctity of al-Aqsa Mosque on an almost daily basis and always under the protection of armed occupation forces, which often attack Palestinian worshipers who try to protect the holy site.

See: Israeli Municipality Hangs “Temple Mount” Sign near Al-Aqsa for further info.