At least five Palestinians were abducted by the Israeli military during predawn raids across the West Bank, over the past 24 hours. The army also seized a tractor belonging to one of the locals in the Jordan Valley area, on Sunday, according to local and security sources.WAFA Palestinian News & Info Agency reports that Israeli forces stormed the city of Bethlehem, in the southern West Bank, where they detained two Palestinians, identified as Mohammad Jamal Zaghoul, 20, and Mohammad Ali Hamamreh, 21, after raiding and searching their homes.

The army also stormed the nearby village of Marah-Rabah and served a local resident with a summons ordering him to appear for interrogation before Israeli intelligence, at the nearby Gush Etzion military base.

Meanwhile, in the Hebron district, the army detained 28-year-old Khalil Abu-Hashem at the entrance of the town of Beit Ummar. Army forces further broke into the town of Dora, south of Hebron, and notified a number of Palestinians to appear for interrogation.

Later Sunday, Israeli forces detained two Palestinian brothers from the village of Faroun near Tulkarm. The two were identified as Suhaib, 24, and Shadi Mousa, 26.

Meanwhile, on Sunday, Israeli army seized a Palestinian-owned tractor in the village of Wadi Ibzeq, in northern Jordan Valley. The tractor is owned by Hatem Fawadleh, a local Palestinian.

The village has been a frequent target of daily Israeli violations, including forced evictions, demolition of animal barns, residential structures and other properties.

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