Israeli soldiers kidnapped, on Wednesday evening, three Palestinians in the at-Tour village, in occupied East Jerusalem, following clashes with dozens of local youths, who allegedly threw stones as the army invaded their village.The Wadi Hilweh Information Center in Silwan (Silwanic) has reported that the soldiers kidnaped Khader Wael Abu Ghannam, 15, Ahmad Mohammad Abu al-Hawa, 22, and Mohammad Abu Ghannam.

Silwanic said that unknown assailants threw Molotov cocktails targeting a police vehicle, driving on the main road of at-Tour, causing it to catch fire, and also hurled a Molotov cocktail on a jeep owned by illegal settlers.

Eyewitnesses said the soldiers fired rounds of live ammunition, rubber-coated metal bullets and gas bombs, and conducted military searches in various neighborhoods.

They added that the army invaded the Abu Ghannam Coffee Shop, and kidnapped Khader after assaulting and beating him.

Silwanic said Israeli concussion grenades caused fires in the yard of a home belonging to members of Abu Laban family.
It is worth mentioning that the army have kidnapped 32 Palestinians, in different parts of the occupied West Bank Wednesday.

Soldiers Kidnap Two Palestinians In Bethlehem