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Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for Monday, September 7th, 2015.

Third family member of Israeli arson attack dies of wounds, meanwhile Israeli troops invade West Bank communities and kidnap civilians. These stories, and more, coming up, stay tuned.

Thousands of Palestinians joined family members on Monday afternoon at the northern West Bank city of Nablus in the funeral procession of Reham Dawabsha, burned victim from an Israeli arson attack on her home in Doma village in July.

Dawabsha died of her serious wounds, shortly after midnight on Sunday night, after a deterioration in her health condition, despite a slight improvement earlier in the day.

Her 18 month child was burnt to death in the attack, her husband died of his wounds a week later, and her other child, Ahmad, 5, suffered second-degree burns to 60% of his body. Doctors say Ahmad still need months of treatment in the hospital and he may undergo several surgeries.
In other news, Israeli soldiers invaded, earlier on Monday, a number of Palestinian communities in occupied East Jerusalem, searched several homes, and kidnapped five Palestinians, including three children between the ages of 12 and 15.

Also in Jerusalem, Israeli police fired tear gas at worshipers inside al-Aqsa Mosque compound after residents tried to stop a group of settlers from invading the third holiest site for Muslims worldwide.

Moreover, Israeli soldiers have kidnapped two Palestinian women, one from her home near Ramallah, and another while visiting her brother, held by Israel in the Nafha Israeli military prison. The army gave no reasons for kidnaping the two women.

And that’s all for today from the IMEMC News; this was the Monday, September 7th, 2015 news round-up from the Occupied Palestinian Territories. For more news and updates, please visit our website at Today’s report has been brought to you by George Rishmawi and Ghassan Bannoura.