Palestinian medical sources have reported, on Friday at dawn, that a young man was shot and seriously injured by Israeli army fire, near the Beit Forik Israeli military roadblock, east of the northern West Bank city of Nablus.According to the army, two young Palestinian men hurled a Molotov cocktail on an Israeli settler’s car, causing her to temporarily lose control of the vehicle, but was not hurt.

The army added that the soldiers rushed to the scene, and opened fire on the two Palestinians, seriously wounding one of them, and arrested the other.

Eyewitnesses said the soldiers fired several rounds of live ammunition, and that the wounded young man was moved to an Israeli hospital.

The identity of the two Palestinians remained unknown until the time of this report.

After the incident, several military vehicles invaded Beit Forik village, and initiated a search campaign.

On Thursday evening, dozens of young Palestinian men clashed with Israeli soldiers, near Bilal Bin Rabah Mosque, at the northern entrance of Bethlehem city.

The soldiers fire rounds of live ammunition, gas bombs and concussion grenades; one Palestinian was shot with a live round in the leg, and was moved to Beit Jala governmental hospital.