The Heads of Churches in Jerusalem, on Monday, have released statement expressing serious concerns regarding recent violent development on Haram al Sharif (Al Aqsa Mosque).“We condemn all threats of change to the historical (Status Quo) situation in the Al-Aqsa Mosque (Haram Asharif) and its courtyard, all buildings, and in the city of Jerusalem. Any threat to its continuity and integrity could easily lead to unpredictable consequences which would be most unwelcome in the present delicate political climate,” statement said, according to the PNN.

The statement continued by saying that Muslims have the right to free access to and worship within the Al Aqsa Mosque.

“There is a great importance of the custody of the Hashemite kingdom on Al Aqsa Mosque and the holy places in Jerusalem and the Holy Land. We believe that all Holy Sites need constant watchful protection so that reasonable access to them can be maintained according to the prevailing Status Quo of all three Abrahamic faiths.”

The Heads of Churches finally renewed calls that the existing agreed Status Quo governing these sites needs to be fully respected for the sake of the whole community.

See also: Israel Rejects Compensation For Burnt Historic Christian Church