The chief of police in the Nablus district and his three-year-old daughter were injured after being shot by Israeli forces with rubber-coated bullets, on Friday, during a raid in the village of Kafr Qaddoum, in the northern West Bank district of Qalqilia.Coordinator of the Popular Committee Morad Eshteiwy said that Israeli forces directly shot at seven-year-old Maram Abdul-Latif al-Qaddoumi, injuring her with a rubber-coated steel bullet in the head while she was standing on a balcony in her home.

Eshteiwy added that when her father, Colonel Abdul-Latif al-Qaddoumi, attempted to aid her and take her to the hospital in his car, Israeli forces opened fire, injuring him in the head.

They were both taken to the Rafidia Governmental Hospital in Nablus where their injuries were reported as moderate. Both are currently in a stable condition.

Eshteiwy said that Israeli forces had raided the area and set up several ambushes inside of the town in an attempt to prevent the weekly Kafr Qaddoum march.

The invasion led to clashes between the soldiers and dozens of local youths, who hurled stones and empty bottles on them, while the army fired more live rounds, rubber-coated steel bullets and gas bombs, in addition to using trucks to spray homes with wastewater mixed with chemicals.

On September 11th, Israeli military forces raided the house of al-Qaddoumi, and turned his home into a military outpost after evicting his wife and children.

Days earlier,Israeli forces held al-Qaddumi for more than an hour near the entrance of Hijja village, west of Nablus.

Last week Israeli forces shot and injured a 14-year-old with live fire in Kafr Qaddoum during a demonstration.

An Israeli army spokesperson said that there was a ‘riot’ in Kafr Qaddoum, where protesters threw rocks and rolled burning tires at Israeli forces, who opened fire ‘using .22 caliber rounds towards the extremities of the main instigator and a hit was confirmed.’

A weekly average of 39 Palestinians have been injured by Israeli forces since the start of 2015. The majority of injuries sustained by Palestinians occur during nonviolent protests.

Rights organizations have argued that methods of crowd control used by Israeli forces often result in excessive, and sometimes fatal, use of force.

Residents of Kafr Qaddoum carry out weekly demonstrations in protest of the now 13-year closure of the main street out of the village, which leads to nearby Nablus — the area’s economical hub.

Kafr Qaddoum has also lost large swathes of its land to Israeli settlements, outposts and the separation wall, all illegal under international law.