Since October 1st, 27 Palestinians have been killed, and more than 1400 others injured by Israeli troops, according to the most recent report by the Palestinian Ministry of Health The MOH said in its report that among the 27 killed Palestinians there are seven children. According to the press statement, 16 Palestinians were killed in the West Bank and 11 from the Gaza Strip since October.

The Ministry of Health report also showed that since the start of October 4000 residents were treated for the effects of tear gas inhalation fired by Israeli troops targeting Palestinian protesters.

Three Palestinians were killed on Monday after being shot dead by Israeli soldiers in Jerusalem. On Monday evening, the Israeli military claimed that a Palestinian man stabbed an Israeli passenger on a bus in Jerusalem, and a soldier on the bus shot and killed the man.

But the Israeli military account is contradictory, claiming that the victim of the stabbing attack was a civilian passenger, but that a soldier was taken to the hospital with light wounds. No civilian victim was identified or taken to the hospital, which has led to speculation that the Israeli military spokesperson’s account may not be entirely accurate.

Earlier on Monday midday, Hasan Manasra, 15 years of age, was killed while his cousin Ahmad Saleh Manasra, 13, suffered a serious injury as they were shot by Israeli troops near Pisgat Zeev Israeli settlement, in occupied Jerusalem. They are both from Beit Hanina, in Jerusalem. The police claimed that the boys stabbed two settlers, wounding them.

A video of the incident showed Hasan being abused by Israeli settlers as he was on the ground bleeding and calling for medical help. The video showed that he had no knife on him and that soldiers were stopping the ambulance from reaching him.

Also on Monday Mustafa ‘Adel al-Khatib, 18 years of age, from Sur Baher town, in occupied Jerusalem, was killed near Bab al-Asbat (The Tribes Gate) in the city after being shot by Israeli soldiers.

According to the narrative of the Israeli military, ‘the Palestinian walked up to the officer and stabbed him.’ Eyewitnesses said Khatib, a high-school student, was driving his car in a narrow street between the al-Asbat Gate and Hatta Gate, in the Old City, before the soldiers ordered him to stop, and instantly opened fire on him.

Meanwhile Israeli police, on Monday afternoon, have shot and critically injured a Palestinian schoolgirl who they claimed “tried to stab an officer”. The girl is 15 years old, and was going home from school with her friends. She was shot while still wearing her school uniform.

The Palestinian Ministry of Health stated on Monday that 25 Palestinians have been injured during ongoing clashes between local youth and invading Israeli soldiers in West Bank communities.

Clashes were reported in the central West Bank city of Ramallah, Nablus and Tulkarem in northern West Bank, and in the southern West Bank cities of Bethlehem and Hebron.

According to the MOH report, In Nablus, 15 residents were injured including five by live rounds fired by Israeli soldiers.

Elsewhere, a 16 year old boy was injured in Hebron after he was shot in his leg and abdomen by Israeli troops. In Bethlehem another 16 year old teen was injured after he got hit with a tear gas canister in his head.

Eight more residents were injured in Al Jalazonerefugee camp in Ramallah. Four were hit by live rounds in the foot, while 3 were injured in the head by rubber-coated steel bullets. A nine-year-old child was injured when he fell as he was chased by Israeli troops.

In related news, the Palestinian Prisoners’ Association said that 400 Palestinians have been kidnapped by Israeli forces in the past ten days. The Association said that nearly half of those kidnapped are between the ages of 14 and 20. The Prisoners’ Association noted that the kidnappings were mostly made in East Jerusalem and in Palestinian Authority controlled areas, also know as area A.