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Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for Wednesday, November 4, 2015.

Israeli troops kill a Palestinian youth and kidnap 32 others in invasions targeting West Bank communities. These stories, and more, coming up, stay tuned.

Israeli soldiers shot and killed, on Wednesday, a young Palestinian man, near Halhoul town, north of the southern West Bank city of Hebron, allegedly after he rammed two soldiers with his car, seriously wounding one.

The army claims the Palestinian driver, Ibrahim Samir Ibrahim Skafi, 23 years of age, delib-er-ately targeted the soldiers, before they soldiers shot him dead. Eyewitnesses said the soldiers shot Skafi, from Hebron city, with at least four live rounds, although he was already injured behind the driver’s seat.

Several Israeli ambulances rushed to the scene to provide medical aid to the wounded soldiers, while the army prevented a Red Crescent Palestinian ambulance from approaching the scene. Following the incident, soldiers closed the area, and sealed the Gush Etzion junction to all Palestinian traffic. Clashes later took place between the soldiers and scores of local youths.

In related news, several Palestinians suffered the effects of tear gas inhalation, during clashes with Israeli soldiers near the ‘Aida refugee camp, north of Bethlehem. The soldiers also invaded Teqoua’ town, east of Bethlehem, and clashed with local youths.

Elsewhere, Israeli forces, Wednesday afternoon, physically assaulted a Palestinian cameraman and confiscated his filming equipment near al-Jalama military checkpoint, north of Jenin. Moreover, An elderly man and his grandson have been injured, Wednesday, after Israeli soldiers assaulted them at the main entrance of Beit Ummar town, north of the southern West Bank city of Hebron.

On Tuesday night and Wednesday at dawn, Israeli soldiers kidnapped 32 Palestinians in different part of the occupied West Bank, including occupied Jerusalem.

Invasions and abductions were largely focused in the West Bank districts of Jerusalem, Hebron, Ramallah, Nablus and Jenin, and that many children were among the kidnapped Palestinians, The Palestinian Political Prisoners Society reported.

In other news, An Israeli military court sentenced, Wednesday, a young Palestinian woman, a second-year student of the Media Department in Birzeit University, Jurin Sa’id Qadah, to three months under arbitrary Administrative Detention, without charges.

Qadah, 19 years of age, was kidnapped after Israeli soldiers invaded her home in Shiqba village near Ramallah, on Wednesday October 28. The soldiers assaulted the young woman causing several injuries, and moved her to the HaSharon military Prison.

And that’s all for today from the IMEMC News; this was the Wednesday, November 4, 2015 news round-up from the Occupied Palestinian Territories. For more news and updates, please visit our website at Today’s report has been brought to you by George Rishmawi and me Ghassan Bannoura.