On Universal Children’s Day, Israel reportedly abducted 400 Palestinian children between the age of 11 and 17; some of them are to be tried and others are not, the Palestinian Prisoners’ Society (PPS) announced Friday.In a press release, the club explained that 11 Palestinian minor were administratively detained, with six girls among them and identified as Marah Bakeer, Estabraq Nour, Jehan Kalbeyah, Nour Salama and Heba Jubran.

It also reported that number of the Palestinian children and minors were shot with live bullets at the time of arrest and moved to Israeli hospitals.

According to Al Ray, Palestinian Media Agency, the current year has witnessed hundreds of arrest cases among children. October recorded the highest number of arrest cases to this year. The number of Palestinian children who have been arrested since October is 70, most of them from Hebron and occupied Jerusalem.

PPS also documented many violations committed against Palestinian children in Israeli prisons.

The most prominent of these violations are shooting with live bullets, interrogating them at interrogation centers for more than one day, and barring them from water and food.

It also confirmed that they are subjected to severe beatings, threats , excessive physical force and physiological pressure, in order to to extract confessions from them, and arresting them in inhuman conditions.

Etzion detention center witnessed the high number of cases, wherein detainees are subjected to beatings and torture while under arrest.

Israeli authorities detained Palestinian children and minors in Hasharon. Ofer, Megiddo, and Hazafon centers.

See IMEMC special report: Report: ‘Israel Kidnapped 1,000 Children In Less Than Two Months’