On Sunday evening, the Palestinian Prisoners Society (PPS) said the Israeli Prison Authority transferred administrative detainee Hisham Abu Hawwash, to Assaf Harofeh medical center due to serious complications after 132 days of an ongoing hunger strike.

The PPS said Abu Hawwash was held in solitary confinement at the Ramla Israeli prison before he was moved to the medical center due to life-threatening complications.

It added that every time the detainee is moved to an Israeli medical center, the prison authority transfers him back to solitary confinement after medical checkups, despite his urgent need for constant monitoring by physicians.

It is worth mentioning that Attorney Jawad Boulus of the PPS has confirmed that Abu Hawwash is ongoing with the hunger strike he started 132 days earlier and added that Israel decided to “freeze” his detention instead of voiding it.

The attorney also said that freezing the Administrative Detention orders does not mean voiding them, as it only changes the status of the detainee into an “unofficial prisoner,” held at a hospital in a room guarded by the hospital security instead of the soldiers, which also means that the Administrative Detention orders can be renewed or reinstated at any given moment without charges or trial.

Boulus stated that Abu Hawash is unable to stand or walk and faces enormous difficulties just to be able to speak, in addition to the various life-threatening complications, but is determined to continue the strike.

Abu Hawwash, a married father of five children, from Doura town, south of the southern West Bank city of Hebron, was abducted on October 27th, 2020, and was slapped with three Administrative Detention orders, each for six months, however, his latest order was reduced to four months that could be renewed.

The detainee’s family can visit with him, but cannot transfer him to any other medical center because of his “unofficial prisoner status,” which is the definition Israel uses to vacate itself on any responsibility if the detainee faces more serious complications or dies, and added that this type of maneuver is only meant to avoid responding the detainee’s demands to be released especially since he is not facing charges.

Abu Hawwash is also a former political prisoner who was frequently abducted and imprisoned by Israel since the year 2003 and spent a total of eight years in prison, including 52 months under the arbitrary Administrative Detention orders.

Updated From:
Abu Hawash Continues Hunger Strike For 132nd Day
Dec 27, 2021, at 03:24

Attorney Jawad Boulus of the Palestinian Prisoners Society (PPS) has confirmed, Sunday, that detainee Hisham Abu Hawwash, 40, is ongoing with the hunger strike he started 132 days earlier and added that Israel decided to “freeze” his detention instead of voiding it.

Boulus stated that Abu Hawash is unable to stand or walk and faces enormous difficulties just to be able to speak, in addition to the various life-threatening complications, but is determined to continue the strike.

Boulus added that Abu Hawash was transferred from Ramla prison to Assaf Harofeh Israeli medical center.

The attorney also said that freezing the Administrative Detention orders does not mean voiding them, as it only changes the status of the detainee into an “unofficial prisoner,” held at a hospital in a room guarded by the hospital security instead of the soldiers.

He said that the detainee’s family can visit with him, but cannot transfer him to any other medical center because of his “unofficial prisoner status,” which is the definition Israel uses to vacate itself on any responsibility if the detainee faces more serious complications or dies, and added that this type of maneuver is only meant to avoid responding the detainee’s demands to be release especially since he is not facing charges.

Abu Hawwash, a married father of five children, from Doura town, south of the southern West Bank city of Hebron, was abducted on October 27th, 2020, and was slapped with three Administrative Detention orders, each for six months, however, his latest order was reduced to four months that could be renewed.

He is also a former political prisoner who was frequently abducted and imprisoned by Israel since the year 2003 and spent a total of eight years in prison, including 52 months under the arbitrary Administrative Detention orders.