“Palestine is not for sale,” and “No to the deal of the century,” were only a few of the signs raised, on Tuesday, by the tens of thousands of Palestinians who came from all over the West Bank to demonstrate in the central West Bank city of Ramallah, WAFA reported.

The against the American so-called deal of the century and in support of President Mahmoud Abbas as he prepares to speak at the United Nations Security Council.

Addressing the crowd, Palestinian Prime Minister, Mohammad Shtayyeh said “As the world watches you and all these crowds that fill the streets of Ramallah and Gaza, they will understand the Palestinian reaction (to the deal of the century).”

Similar mass demonstration took place in Gaza City as thousands came out to tell the world that they stand together with the West Bank and the world, against the so-called ‘deal of the century’.

Dozens of Palestinians marched to the nearest Israeli military checkpoint north of Ramallah city where they confronted Israeli soldiers.

Witnesses said that soldiers manning the checkpoint, fired rubber-coated steel bullets and tear-gas canisters at demonstrators as they approached the checkpoint, to which Palestinians responded by pelting the soldiers with stones and burning tires to obstruct the soldiers view.

Several people suffered the toxic effects of tear-gas, and were treated by medics on the scene.