League of Arab States, comprising of 22 Arab countries, stated on Thursday, that Israeli occupation authorities continue ‘aggression’ toward the Palestinian people by carrying out killing, arrests, expulsion and illegal settlement construction.

In a statement issued on Thursday, on the 72nd anniversary of the Israeli-perpetrated massacre of civilian Palestinians in the Deir Yassin village, an outskirt of the internationally-recognized occupied East Jerusalem, the high-ranking Arab organization said that the Deir Yassin massacre stands as a clear example of Israel’s policy of ethnic cleansing, against the Palestinian people.

The statement noted that current Israeli occupation practices, across the occupied Palestinian territories, are unacceptable, at a time the international community is being distracted by the fight against the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic that has plagued the majority of world countries.

The statement sharply criticized what it described as Israeli authorities’ deliberate negligence of Arab residents of East Jerusalem, along with 5,000 Palestinian prisoners inside Israeli jails, when it comes to necessary medical care, for which Israel, the occupying power, is solely responsible.

The League of Arab States’ press release also called on all relevant international bodies, including the United Nations (UN), to pressure Israeli authorities in a way that would stop all Israeli crimes against the Palestinian people and obliges Israel to abide by all relevant international legitimacy resolutions, which lay the foundation for a two-state solution.

Recently, Palestinian Authority (PA) in the West Bank, have had a number of its officials detained by Israeli police, in the occupied city of East Jerusalem. It has also reported a series of Israeli police raids on Palestinian homes, in which Israeli police abducted several Palestinian residents.

The PA has attributed such Israeli practices to Israel-imposed restrictions on Palestinian attempts to fight back Coronavirus. The PA believes that Israel has not taken necessary precautionary measures for the safety of the Arab population of East Jerusalem, itself.