Israeli soldiers abducted, on Sunday at dawn, ten Palestinians, including two former political prisoners, from their homes in various parts of the southern West Bank governorate of Hebron.

Many army vehicles invaded several neighborhoods in Hebron city, in addition to the towns of Halhoul, Sa’ir and Ethna, stormed and ransacked many homes and abducted Nidal Abdul-Mo’ty Abu Sneina, 44, Ahmad al-‘Oweiwy, Noah Hashlamoun, Hazem Zablah, Mahmoud Bader, Abdul-Mohsin Zama’ra, Younis Kawazba and Ismael Talab an-Nattah.

The soldiers also invaded Beit Ummar town, north of Hebron, broke into homes in the center of the town and Safa area, in the northern part, and abducted a former political prisoner, identified as Mohammad Monir Ekhlayyel, 37, who was previously held by Israel for 12 consecutive years, and former political prisoner Ala Mousa Za’aqeeq, 26, who was previously imprisoned for two years.