Israeli forces abducted three Palestinians, two in Tulkarem and one near Bethlehem, in the northeastern and southern parts of the occupied West Bank, in addition to damaging vehicles near Tubas in the northeastern part.

Occupation forces abducted two Palestinian young men in the Shweika neighborhood, north of Tulkarem in the northwestern part of the West Bank.

Media sources said that soldiers abducted the young men, Asaad Aqab Jaber and Saif Baddo, after invading their homes on Tuesday morning.

Meanwhile, the army stormed the village of Ramin, east of the city, positioned sharpshooters on the rooftops of tall buildings, and invaded several citizens’ homes.

Media sources said that soldiers subjected the inhabitants of the homes to interrogation and invasive searches.

Sources added that after the army closed all its entrances, illegal Israeli colonizers blocked the main entrance to the village, obstructing citizens’ movements.

Furthermore, in the southern West Bank, occupation forces abducted a Palestinian young man in the village of Abu Nujaym, south of Bethlehem.

Media sources said that Israeli forces abducted Salah Awad Jawarish, 30, on Tuesday morning, after storming and searching his home in the village of Abu Nujaym, south of Bethlehem.

In related news, occupation forces invaded, at dawn Tuesday, the city of Tubas, in the northeastern part of the West Bank, detained two citizens, and damaged vehicles in Tayasir village, northeast of the city.

Media sources said that a large army force passed through the village of Tayasir and caused damage to citizens’ vehicles, before protests erupted on the outskirts of the village.

Sources added that occupation forces invaded Tubas city, before positioning sharpshooters on rooftops of tall buildings, and deploying infantry units in several parts of the city.

Soldiers stormed and searched several homes in the city and detained the two citizens, Mithqal and Fawaz Abu Dawas, in an attempt to coerce their two sons to surrender to the army; they were later released.