Israeli forces abducted, on Friday, two Palestinian young men and detained many workers near Tulkarem, and suppressed a peaceful protest near Qalqilia, in the northwestern part of the West Bank.

On Friday at dawn, occupation forces invaded the town of ‘Illar, northeast of Tulkarem, stormed and searched many citizens’ homes, subjecting them to interrogation, and abducted two Palestinian young men.

Media sources said the army abducted the high school student, Habib Yousef Taqatqa, 18, and the young man, Mohammad Nahi Hafayza, after invading their homes in the town.

Meanwhile, in the afternoon, soldiers detained several Palestinian workers near the town of Attil, northeast of Tulkarem.

Media sources said that soldiers stopped a vehicle carrying a group of workers, seized their ID cards, searched them, and subjected them to interrogation.

Furthermore, the army stormed, on Friday night, the towns of Anabta and Kafr Al-Labad, east of Tulkarem, roaming the streets.

Media sources said that occupation forces invaded the town of Anabta from its eastern entrance, patrolled the main street, and proceeded to the town of Kafr Al-Labad where soldiers were deployed in several areas of the town.

It was added that the army invaded the Thanaba suburb, east of the city, firing many concussion grenades; no injuries were reported.

Israeli forces attacked, on Friday afternoon, a non-violent anti-colonization march in the village of Kufur Qaddoum, east of Qalqilia, sparking protests.

Media sources said that Israeli troops fired tear gas canisters and concussion grenades at participants; no injuries were reported.

Palestine TV published videos showing occupation forces storming the city of Qalqilia, and the village of Kufur Qaddoum, before dawn on Friday.