Israeli soldiers injured, Friday, dozens of Palestinians in Silwad town, east of the central West Bank city of Ramallah, as they march protesting the constant Israeli violations and demanding the release of the corpse of a young man who was killed by the army last month.

The soldiers attacked the protesters with a barrage of gas bombs, concussion grenades at rubber-coated steel bullets, causing dozens of injuries.

The Palestinians marched in the town demanding the Israeli army to transfer the corpse of Mohammad Rawhi Hammad, 30, who was fatally shot by the soldiers after claiming her attempted to ram them with his car.

The Palestinian was among ten who were killed by Israeli army fire, on May 14th, 2021, across the occupied West Bank, and more than 500 were injured.

The process today, Friday, was held by hundreds of Palestinians and was organized by civil society institutions and political factions, demanding an end to the Israeli occupation, violations, and calling for the release of the corpses of dozens of Palestinians who were killed by the soldiers this year, and throughout previous years.

They chanted for liberty and independence, and against the escalating Israeli violations against the Palestinian people, their homes, lands, property, and holy sites across occupied Palestine.

Qaddoura Fares, the head of the Palestinian Prisoners’ Society (PPS) said Israel’s policies of refusing to allow the transfer of the corpses of slain Palestinians is another violation of International Law, and are part of its ongoing immoral and criminal practices against the Palestinian people.

The family of the slain Palestinian called on the International Community to intervene and hold Israel accountable for its crimes and violations.

It is worth mentioning that Israel is still holding the corpses of 315 Palestinians, including 235 who have been buried in the so-called “Numbers Graveyard” for many years. The corpses of 80 Palestinians, including 9 who were killed in May of this year, remain in Israeli morgues.