Israeli forces attacked, on Monday, for a second day in a row, Palestinian schoolchildren in al-Khader town, southwest of Bethlehem, in the southern occupied West Bank, causing dozens to suffocate on tear gas, according to local sources.

Dozens of children were exposed to the toxic effects of tear gas when Israeli soldiers fired tear gas canisters and concussion grenades at them while they were leaving their educational facilities, local activist, Ahmad Sallah told the Palestinian News & Information Agency (WAFA).

Many children suffered acute anxiety and suffocated on tear gas as a result of the attack, which sparked confrontations between the local Palestinian civilians and the army.

Salah added that soldiers fired a tear gas canister into the windshield of a local journalist who was attempting to cover the events at the scene.

On Sunday, several Palestinian schoolchildren were injured by many gas bombs fired at them by soldiers while they were leaving their educational facilities in the at-Tal area, in the old city of al-Khader.

Several children suffered the effects of tear gas inhalation before receiving the needed treatment.