Israeli forces shot, on Tuesday, four Palestinians, including three children, in the New Askar refugee camp east of Nablus in the northern West Bank.

Media sources said that occupation forces invaded the New Askar camp, before dawn, triggering protests among local Palestinians.

Sources added that the army opened fire with live rounds at those who resisted the incursion, shooting four citizens with live ammunition.

Medical sources with the Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) said that a young man and three children sustained shrapnel wounds in the head; the injured children were aged 9, 10, and 13.

Armed Palestinian resistance fighters engaged in confrontations with the attacking army, exchanging live fire with the army.

Israeli soldiers stormed several citizens’ homes in the camp and in the popular housing area in the eastern region of Nablus city.

Media sources reported that occupation forces abducted the young men, Mohammad Abu Jamila, Amir Odeh, and Ali Abu Jamila, after invading their homes in the New Askar camp.

In related news, Israeli forces shot and killed a Palestinian child in the village of Deir Abu Mash’al, northwest of Ramallah in the central West Bank.