On Tuesday, Israeli forces shot six Palestinians, including five children, assaulted a young man, and caused many to suffer the toxic effects of tear gas inhalation, in several regions of the occupied West Bank.

Occupation forces shot a Palestinian young man, on Tuesday evening, near the town of Baqa al-Sharqiyya, northeast of Tulkarem in the northwestern part of the West Bank.

According to Raed Yassin, the director of ambulance and emergency services in Tulkarem, ambulance crews transported a 31-year-old Palestinian man to hospital after soldiers shot him in the foot with live ammunition, adding that he was in stable condition.

In the afternoon, occupation forces assaulted a 46-year-old Palestinian man when he was passing through the Tayasir military roadblock, northeast of Tubas in the northeastern part of the West Bank; he was transported to hospital suffering from various bruises.

Meanwhile, in the evening, Israeli soldiers shot two Palestinian children in the village of Salem, east of Nablus in the northern West Bank.

After storming the village, soldiers opened fire with live rounds, rubber-coated steel rounds, and tear gas canisters towards citizens.

According to Ahmad Jibril, the director of the Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) Ambulance and Emergency Services in Nablus, ambulance crews treated two 15-year-old children who both sustained a gunshot wounds to the feet.

Palestine TV quoted the PRCS who said that the injured children were transported to hospital, and also published a video showing the army obstructing the work of ambulance crews.

It was not immediately clear whether the two injuries were sustained from live rounds or rubber-coated steel rounds.

Furthermore, the army invaded the village of Osarin, southeast of Nablus, triggering protests by local Palestinian youths, causing many injuries.

Media sources said that on Tuesday evening, soldiers opened fire with live rounds, tear gas canisters, and concussion grenades, causing several citizens to sustain inhalation injuries as a result of tear gas exposure.

Also in the evening, Israeli forces invaded the town of Beit Ummar, north of Hebron in the southern West Bank, sparking protests.

According to Mohammad Awad, a local activist, soldiers opened fire with live rounds and rubber-coated steel rounds, shooting three children.

One of the injured children was shot with live ammunition, one sustained a shrapnel injury, and the other sustained an injury from a rubber-coated steel bullet.

In related news, Israeli forces shot and killed the citizen, Bilal Adel Abdul Fattah Bellu, 39, in the town of Beit Fajjar, southwest of Bethlehem in the southern West Bank.