Israeli forces shot, on Tuesday, three Palestinians, including a child, and abducted five in the Nablus and Qalqilia governorates in the northern and northwestern parts of the occupied West Bank.

Media sources said that occupation forces invaded, on Tuesday evening, the village of Salem, east of Nablus in the northern West Bank, sparking protests among local Palestinian youths.

Soldiers opened fire with live rounds and shot a 17-year-old Palestinian child in the thigh with live ammunition; he was transported to hospital for treatment.

Additionally, Palestine TV published a video showing occupation soldiers invading the village of Yatma, south of Nablus.

On Tuesday morning, the army stormed the village of Burqa, northwest of the city, broke into several citizens’ homes in various neighborhoods, and abducted two young men.

Media sources said that soldiers fired live rounds during the search operation, before invading and ransacking the homes of two former prisoners, Saif Hamdan and Izzat Nashaat Saif, before abducting them.

Meanwhile, in the northwestern part of the West Bank, Israeli forces invaded the city of Qalqilia, on Tuesday morning, triggering protests among Palestinian youths.

Occupation soldiers opened fire with rubber-coated steel rounds, shooting two young men, one in the head and one in the thigh, in addition to abducting three citizens.

After storming and searching the homes of Hadi Jadoua, Aboud Hassanein, and Aboud Nofal, occupation forces abducted them and took them to an unknown location.

It is important to mention that a video published by Palestine TV, shows an Israeli military jeep confiscating a Palestinian-owned vehicle during the incursion.