On Sunday, Day 247 of the ongoing Israeli offensive on the Gaza Strip, the Israeli army fired dozens of missiles and shells at several parts of the Gaza Strip amidst Arab and international condemnation of massacres in the Nusseirat refugee camp, in central Gaza.

The Israeli army fired barrages of missiles and shells at the Zeitoun, Sabra, and Tal Al-Hawa, in Gaza City, causing many casualties.

Among the slain Palestinians are four, including a child, in addition to many injuries after the army bombarded an apartment in the Daraj neighborhood in Gaza City.

The incidents came less than a day after the Israeli army killed more than 210 Palestinians and injured more than 400, including many women and children in a massive attack that led to the release of four Israeli captives.

The Israeli army also fired barrages of missiles and shells at several areas in the central and northern areas of Rafah, in Gaza’s southmost party, causing many casualties.

The Israeli strikes on Rafah targeted many areas, especially the Al-Khirba area, Mosbeh, and Arabiya in the city, in the central and eastern parts of Rafah.

Dozens of fatalities and injuries, including among women and children, were reported in various parts of Rafah.

Palestinian fighters also continued to exchange fire with the Israeli soldiers invading various parts of Rafah, especially in the Khirbet Al-Adas area.

In Deir Al-Balah, in central Gaza, the army fired a missile at the home of the Abu Doqqa family, causing many injuries.

In addition, the army fired a missile at a home for the Al-Bashiti family in the Al-Maghazi refugee camp, in central Gaza.

Palestinian medics were still trying to reach the bombarded home and other targeted areas, but the massive destruction and the ongoing Israeli assaults are hindering their efforts.

The army continued to target with missiles and shells densely populated areas, in addition to schools and facilities where thousands of families sheltered.

Medical sources at the Kamal Adwan Hospital, in northern Gaza, said the medical center documented fifty cases of severe malnutrition among the Palestinian children in that area alone, in one week.

The head of the hospital said the Israeli army continues to target Gaza’s health section, by bombing hospitals, and preventing the entry of fuel and humanitarian supplies, and added that the teams are trying to make do with whatever little supplies they have to cope with the large number of casualties.

Also, severe cases of hunger and malnutrition have been documented in Gaza City and surrounding areas.

European Union Foreign Policy Chief, Joseph Borrel, said the EU “strongly denounces the new massacre in the Nusseirat refugee camp, and called for ending the bloodshed in Gaza.”

It is worth mentioning that the Israeli army continues the closure of the Karem Abu Salem commercial crossing and the Rafah Border Terminal for the 34th day.

On May 5, the army closed the Karem Abu Salem Crossing, southeast of Rafah, and prevented the entry of humanitarian and medical supplies, and twenty days later, it reopened the crossing for less than 24 hours, only allowing 200 aid trucks to enter Gaza despite the dire need for the supplies for the 2.2 Million Palestinians in Gaza.

On May 6, the army began its massive ground onslaught on Rafah, and occupied the Rafah Border Terminal, between Gaza and Egypt, one day later, after destroying the crossing and shutting it down,  preventing the entry of aid.

Since then, patients and wounded Palestinians have been barred from leaving the Gaza Strip for medical treatment.

Israel has now killed at least 36.801 Palestinians, and injured more than 83.680, including women and children, in addition to the thousands of Palestinians under the rubble in various parts of the Gaza Strip, since October 7, 2023.